Acrobacia Aérea
La Trottola
"And since the centre remains at rest, the whole is in a sense always resting and in constant movement."
“...Continuous movement... Spin....Vortex…Spiral... Vertigo... Holding... Hanging... Flying...”
Two characters wrapped in a timeless scene, meet in a vertiginous journey inside a vortex, a ritual to discover what is inside each of them in the midst of chaos.
They play at defying gravity by facing flight as their favourite pastime, they spin in the air like wild spinning tops, they let themselves be carried away by movement and by unexpected surprises, they face the difficulties of a vertical path towards their great dreams, they explore and savour the great mystery of taking their feet off the floor.
The whirlwind leaves the human side uncovered, the discovery of oneself happens through the other. .
Fragility remains suspended.
An unforgettable journey
A contemporary circus show that inquires the poetics within the wonders of aerial movement.

Title: La Trottola
Genre: aerial acrobatics, dance
Acrobatic techniques: rope, dance, straps or hairhanging
Original Idea: Jose Cereceda and Clara Larcher
Audience: for all
Directors and artists: Jose Cereceda y Clara Larcher
Duration: 35 min
Ph: martinfrick-photographie.de
Ph: gerardoangiulli.com