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Jose and Clara met in 2017 in Buenos Aires, while sharing training rooms but also a strong passion for aerial acrobatics and an urge to create and to start up independent, collective projects.


He’s from Chile and she, from Italy, they both are “de paso” (passing through) in Argentina’s capital city. They found themselves running along the same aesthetical and compositional lines. From the very beggining they played on the same fields and began exploring small choreographic pieces together. Thus, their spontaneity and desire of creating begun to shape the project of the Depáso Company.

Agradecemos a todos los que nos han ayudado en la construcción de este proyecto.

Al Club de Trapecistas, Al Pasillo, al Circo Criollo y a la Casa de Pedro por alimentar nuestro arte.

A todos los profesionales con los que colaboramos , por permitirnos dar forma a las ideas.

A los amigos  de siempre, a los amigos del camino, a los maestros, a los encuentros y a las aventuras.




Specialized in aerial silks, contemporary dance, rope. 



Specialized in rope, straps, aerial silks


Ph: BigBears Photo

Ph: Funboy Productions

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